On this site I present my activity as a composer.
My creative work encompasses the composition of chamber, symphonic, mixed and improvisational works.
I studied composition in Argentina and Germany
Currently I am especially interested in Latin American musical thought and creation, creative and learning processes in composition, the music-society-politics relationship.
Some of my works have been edited by: ambitus/Deutschlandfunk (De), Rev. MusikTexte Köln (De), Instituto Iberoamericano de Berlin-Ed. Vervuert- (De/Es), National Endowment for the Arts (Arg), National Library (Arg.), Casa de las Américas (Cu), Editorial Gourmet Musical (Arg), Suono Mobile Editora (Arg), among others.
By Thomas Beimel, in die Argentinian Komponistitn Natalia Solomonoff. Die Stille der abwesenden Vögel.
"Wide flows the violent, muddy Paraná in front of Rosario, Natalia Solomonoff's hometown. Equally powerful and firm is her music, which has nothing to do with the description of an idyllic landscape (…). The Argentine composer born in 1968 She continues the impulse of the South American avant-garde in two different ways: her compositions are based on the one hand on the sensitive and direct construction of very refined sound combinations and on the other hand she understands her compositional work as a testimony of the time. "
Monographic program broadcast by the radio station Deutschlandfunk on 4/16/2016
By Graciela Paraskevaidis, in "Niemand. Nur Spuren. Die argentinische Komponistin Natalia Solomonoff", in MusikTexte no. 147, 2015, p.7
“(…) Solomonoff's motivations are multiple, but always concise. On the one hand it reflects the history of South America from the indigenous ritual to the tango, on the other, the sensitive German world from Schönberg to the “Raunächten”. His music is a music that, in the words of Nicolaus A. Huber, “informs something about music”. But the information in this music comes from a very specific historical and social context. Her explosive sound sculptures stand for another reality about which the composer communicates as an auditory witness. In doing so, it extends a wide arc from the aesthetic to the political, from the abstract to the sensitive, from the social to the personal.