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Trama (2015), for two flutists. Commissioned by the Duo MEI- Music for Flutes. Juliana Moreno and Patricia Garcia.

tapa Cd La región más alta del aire - donde se engendran se engendran los cometas

Raunächte (2013), for Soprano voice, instrumental quintet and electroacoustic sounds. UNL Edition

Cd. Raunächte. Universidad Nacionall del Litoral

Calizas (1991), for soprano voice, flute and violin.

Edition of the National Endowment for the Arts (1999) CD nº 21 of the Panorama Collection of Argentine Music

Cd Calizas Natalia Solomonoff. Fondo Nacional de las Artes

Arcane Birds (2005) Sextet. Commissioned by the Ausum Ensemble.  Direction: Federico Gariglio.

(Micro) música. Pájaros Arcanos. Natalia Solomonoff
Cd. (micro) músicas. Pájaros Arcanos. Solomonoff

From Thyke's yawn , for flute, tenor trombone, violin and double bass (1995). National Composition Award- EDIT Contest.

CD. Música argentina. Natalia Solomonoff
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