Works/ Compositions
Two Instruments
xCDx (2018), for violin and piano. Commissioned by Haydée Schvartz EG and Elías Gurevich for the Concert Hommage to Claude Debussy. Premiere: 17/11/2018. Auditorio Radio Nacional (Buenos Aires). https://youtu.be/Wy9LyujIxPE
AVTIO (2017), for trombone and piano. Commissioned by Teatro Cervantes, Ciclo de Música contemporánea Relaciones Materiales and Dúo Alfaro-Bosch. Premiered: 20/09/2017. https://www.cultura.gob.ar/concierto-ii-del-ciclo-de-musica-contemporanea-relaciones-materiales_4727/
ADIÓS for fagot and piano (2017). Commissioned by Ensemble Aventure (Freiburg), for the Concert "Für Graciela". (Graciela Paraskevaídis).
ARIONES (2001) for two trombones. Commissioned by the Orquesta Sinfónica de Santa Fe for the IIº Encuentro Hispanoamericano de compositores (Santa Fe, Argentina). Premiere: Teatro "El círculo" de Rosario, 28/09/2001
BAJO FONDO (2003) for a soprano voice and piano.
EN SIGILO (2004), for violoncello and accordeon. Commissioned by Internationales Festival für Neue Musik Bergfest-Dillsberg (Alemania) Premiere: 04/10/2004.
KARG (2016) for Flute/Bass.Fl and Cello. Commissioned by the Ensemble Reflexion K (Eckernförde). INternationales Festival für Neue Musik Eckernförde, 02/2017.
TRAMA (2015) for two flutists. Commissioned by the Dúo MEI- Música para Flautas (Juliana Moreno y Patricia García, Buenos Aires). Teatro Solís de Montevideo: 16/09/2015
(SOBRE)DIMENSIONES DEL DIÁLOGO (2015), for píccolo and violin. Commissioned by the Trío DIVKA (Buenos Aires). 20/7/2017: http://www.telam.com.ar/notas/201707/195850-el-trio-divka-de-flauta-violin-y-piano-ofrecera-un-concierto-en-la-legislatura.html
FESTIVA (2019) for Flute/bass Fl., violoncello and percussion. Commissioned by the Ensemble Compañía Oblicua. Director: Marcelo Delgado. 23/05/2019 en La Cúpula, Centro Cultural Kirchner. Ciclo "Postales Sonoras de hoy".
QUEMA (2018), for oboe, clarinet and Fagot. Comissioned by the IIIº Festival Distat Terra 2018-Choele Choel/ Fundación AntiquaNova for the Ensemble Aventure (Freiburg). Musicians: Alexander Ott (oboe), Walter Ifrin (Clar.) y Wolfgang Rüdiger (Fg.). 15/12/2018.
CALIZAS (1991), for sopran voice, flute and violín. Encuentro latinoamericano de compositores e intérpretes. Rosario, 1991.
EPITAFIOS RASGADOS for three gitars. 1993
Chamber music- more than 3 instruments
DEL BOSTEZO DE THYKE (1995), for clarinet, trombone, violin, contrabass. Composition price: Premio Concurso Nacional de Composición "Editar", CD. Grabación de la obra
LA ÚLTIMA FLOR DEL CEREZO (2004) for soprano voice and therteen instruments. Composition price: Premio de Composición Juan Carlos Paz 2005
ENTRE CONJUROS Y ENSUEÑOS (2005) for bandoneón, percussion, piano, violín, viola, violoncello and contrabass. 2005. Composed and premiered thanks to a Subsidio a la creación otorgado por la Fundación Antorchas.
PÁJAROS ARCANOS (2005) for Flute, 2 clarinets, fagot (and contrafagot), trumpet, violin and piano. 2005. Commissioned by Ensamble Ausum (Santa Fe). Premiered: Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea de Santiago de Chile, 01/2006. Grabación en Cd. (Ver Discografía) Audio disponible en:
DEL EXILIO EN LA PIEL (2005), for 12 Instruments and soprano voice.
ABRAZO BLANCO (2006), for Flute, oboe/ english horn, clarinet, Horn and trombone. Premiered: Ciclo Músicas Contemporáneas del mundo, Centro Cultural del Parque España, Rosario. 2006.
NADIE. SÓLO HUELLAS (2007), for flute, oboe, clarinet, fagot, horn, trumpet, trombone and Contrabass. Commissioned by Ensemble Aventure, Freiburg. Premiered on the Concert OCTANDRE in Lateinamerika. WIESBADEN THEATER, 08/03/2008.
HUMUS (2009), for flute, arp, accordeon and violoncello. Commissioned by Ensemble Reflexion K (Eckernförde). Premiered: Provinzlärm Festival für Neue Musik, Eckernförde, 2009. Grabación: https://soundcloud.com/natalia-solomonoff/humus-2009
TARJO (2011) for flute (sop., píccolo y contralto), oboe, clarinet, fagot, piano, violin, viola and violoncello. Commissioned by Ensemble Aventure (Freiburg). Estreno: Sala Zitarroza, Montevideo: 09/09/2011
TARJO II (2012), for Flute (also picc. and alto), clarinet (also Bass clarinete bajo), fagot, piano, violin, viola and violoncello. Commissioned by Ensemble Aventure, Freiburg for the Chiffren Festival für Neue Musik Kiel, 12/02/2012
LAS REGLAS DEL JUEGO (2013), for ensamble with two saxophones, Eguitar, piano, strings, percussion. Commissioned by Ensemble La Machine, Montreal. Premiered in the Conservatoire de Musique de Montreal, Sale Multimedia, 13/12/2013.
hlvssi! (2016) for flute (also alto flute), trombone, violín, cello, Commissioned by Ensemble Río Eléctrico, Rosario.
IUSIÓN X FICCIÓN (2017) for flute (also Bass fl.), oboe, clarinet (also Bass clarinet), fagot and piano. Commissioned by Ensemble Aventure (Freiburg). Premiered 14/11/2016 Elisabeth Schneider Stiffung, Freiburg.
PIEDRA VIVA (2017), Commissioned work by Ensemble de cámara de la Orquesta Experimental de Instrumentos Nativos de Bolivia. Estreno:02/10/2019. Sala Patiño, La Paz, Bolivia.
FICCIONAL (2017) for flute, oboe, cello, percussion and piano. Commissioned by Ensemble NEW BABYLON (Leipzig). Premiered on the Schwankhalle Dresden, 17/09/2017.https://schwankhalle.de/spielplan/huellas-enb-385.html
IGNICION (2019) for Saxophone quartet. Commissioned by
Cuarteto de Saxofones Tsunami. Premiered: 01.25.2020 Vº Concierto del Festival Internacional de Música del Teatro Gral San Martín (Buenos Aires)
ARBOL DE LA DICHA (TREE OF SAID) (2019-2020) for quintet. Commissioned by Ensemble Partita Radicale (Wuppertal, Germany) CANCELED because covid 19
ARBOLES, ROCAS Y DRAGONES (2005) for tenor-bass trombone solo.
EN CUEROS / ENTRAMADOS (2016) for flute (and bass flute). Premiere: Marc Takeshi Mc. Gregor. III Contemporary Music Symposium. Nova music. Curitiba. Brazil.
SOLOS ( 2012, rev. 2013) for piano. Commissioned by pianist Daniel Añez, Colombia-Canada. Premiere: Sala Gabriela Mistral, III International Composers Meeting, Santiago de Chile, 08/2014.
SOLO PIANO , for piano, 2012- rev. 2013. Premiere: 03/14/2014. Music for Memory. Buenos Aires . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1KAvQ1NPpU
DROSTES (2019), for flute, Bb clarinet, cello, piano, two percussionists and prerecorded electronics. Commissioned by Ensemble Reflexion K. Premiere: Galilei Museum, Madrid, on 09/24/2019 and Nikolaikirche, Eckernförde, on 09/27/2019. Performers: Ensemble Reflexion K and Duo Neospercusión (Germany-Spain Project)
EN VIVO (LIVE) (2017), for the voice of Soprano or Mezzo, flute, clarinet, violin, cello and percussion, with electro-acoustic sounds. With the intervention of the poet Mercedes Gómez de la Cruz reading "La revolución no va a estar en ningún soporte", a poem by her. Cover of "The revolution will be not televised", by Gill-Scott Heron and "La revolución no será por internet", by Ezequiel Zaidenwerg. Work commissioned by UNESCO for the Festival Weaving music for radio of Latin-American women composers- Curitiba, Brazil. Premiere: 02/23/2018
RAUNÄCHTE (2010- rev. 2014) 12 pieces for singer with soprano, flute (and bass flute), clarinet (and bass clarinet), violin, cello and piano, with electro-acoustic sounds. 2008/10, rev. 2011 and 2015. Work composed thanks to the Creation Subsidy "Proyectos Crear", awarded by Universidad Nacional del LItoral, Santa Fe. Partial premiere: Sonido Presente 2010, Instituto Superior de Música, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Full premiere: Ensemble Reflexion K, Provinzlärm Festival Eckernförde, Germany (2015).
Vocal works
ERA UN BELLO PAÍS (2017) for vocal ensemble with eight soloists, Commission of the Festival de Música Contemporánea del Teatro Gral San Martín. Buenos Aires, 2017. Premiere Nonsense Solo vocal ensemble (Buenos Aires). Inspired by the poem "La poesía era un bello país", by Jorge Aulicino.
SOBRE LA COMPOSICIÓN (ABOUT THE COMPOSITION) , (2017) for vocal ensemble with eight soloists, Commission of the Festival de Música Contemporánea del Teatreo Gral San Martín (Contemporary Music Festival of the Gral. San Martín Theater). Buenos Aires, 2017. Premiere Nonsense Solo vocal ensemble (Buenos Aires). On the homonymous poem by Marina Serrano. Commission of the Contemporary Music Festival of the Gral. San Martín Theater. Buenos Aires, 2017.
(2018). Premiere: 11/08/2018. Pabellón Argentina - III Microjornadas de Música Contemporánea. Córdoba. Commissioned by the Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and the III Microjornadas de Composición 2018 (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Director of the UNC Orchestra: Mtro. Daniel Mazza.
MACIZOS FLUETNES (2001) for orchestra. Commissioned by the Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra for the II Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Compositores (Santa Fe, Argentina). September 2001. Premiere: Teatro Municipal 1º de Mayo, Santa Fe
NAH-WEIT (2006) for orchestra. 2nd Prize for the composition of the Sadaic 70th Anniversary Prize contest. Latin American Composition Contest for Symphonic Works “Guillermo Graetzer” 1936 - 2006.